Palitoy 65C

Sometimes there are figures that should exist, but for whatever reason or another haven’t been found/documented yet. This has been the case with the Palitoy (U.K) 65C Luke Jedi for me. It is a version that has not been documented on the matrices done by two Palitoy collectors at The Palitoy Star Wars Cardback Guide and Mr Palitoy’s Cardback Guide, but I knew existed as another Luke collector had a cardback and I discovered recently that my clipper sticker cardback was one as well. I’ve been watching for Palitoy Lukes for some time now on ebay and in a lot of cases have had to ask the sellers about the back of the card as they usually only post a picture of the front. The most obvious thing to look for in a 65C is that it advertises a Chewbacca Bandiolier Strap mail in offer on the back, which is why I hadn’t noticed it on my Clipper cardback at first because the sticker covers it up. The other thing that appears to be unique, but I’m not 100% sure if all would have been like this, is that they have a double stem bubble. The previously mentioned collector who had the cardback also had a double stem bubble that he received with his.

A few weeks ago a friend found a Palitoy Luke Jedi with a double stem bubble and knew I might be interested in it. I checked it out and found that interesting enough, but of course I was curious about the back as there was no picture of it. I messaged the seller asking about the back and he sent me some pictures and I was pleasantly surprised when I found out that it had the bandolier offer on the back. The bubble unfortunately had some damage which seems common with this bubble type, but when you’re dealing with a figure that appears to exist in small numbers, I’m willing to accept some flaws.

The seller and I both worked out a deal that we agreed upon. He was reluctant to ship to the U.S., so I had the same friend who found the listing for me in the U.K. receive it for me and then mail it on. In talking with the seller, I showed him my Luke Jedi collection on this site. He seemed to enjoy it and upon arrival I received a nice note from him and two loose Luke Jedi figures that he had. That was a really nice gesture from him and they’ll be staying with my collection with the 65C as they make up a part of the story.

Unfortunately, the bubble did not make the journey to the U.S. and popped cleanly off. I still had all the pieces and was trying to decide on what to do. I’ve never been a fan of reseals, but must admit the idea crossed my mind, but if I was going that route I was going to mark the card as such. I decided to research it a bit and found this thread on rebelscum where a collector had a similar dilemma. I read a bit further down about attaching the bubble/figure to a plastic sheet and then display the cardback behind it, so it still looked like a carded figure, but there was no way it’d be passed off as an original seal. I also remembered another post about cutting out a section for the bubble in a toploader. I decided to try that first and see how it worked in holding the bubble back in place. In the end it worked and nothing was altered in the process. I’ll still keep an eye out for another carded version, but in the meantime this works really well.

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