Here’s another item that I’ve been looking for at least a year now that I’ve finally found. On ebay I noticed a force lightsaber show up for sale and I thought I could see an outline of the “transition sticker”. I immediately emailed the seller asking if the Return of the Jedi logo was a separate sticker. He replied back and said it was and would add a picture to the ebay listing. I anxiously refreshed the auction and it was exactly what I was looking for. So what is the “transition” sticker? Basically, it is just a sticker for Return of the Jedi that was applied to left over stock with the Empire Strikes Back logo. It can be found on both the Red and Yellow Empire sabers and is the only way to get a Jedi yellow saber as the toy was changed to green to match Lukes new saber. I now own at least one of each packaging/sticker variation for the force lightsaber.
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