I’ve wanted one of these for some time and this one came up at about the price I was looking for. This is a Palitoy (UK) 65a Luke Jedi. I bought this from the original owner who actually got it here in the States from Kaybee toys. I’ve always wanted to know the story behind this, but for some reason KayBee here got quite a bit of foreign Star Wars figures back in the day. I’ve seen these Palitoy figures, Trilogo Figures and I believe even a Clipper(Dutch) figure with the Kaybee price stickers. The part that makes it strange, is that around this time Star Wars was cooling down here in the states and a lot of our overstock was actually dumped overseas. It doesn’t make much sense that a U.S. retailer got stock from Europe. It is probably one of those things that will remain a mystery.